24x7 Learning Spaces
The learning spaces on the ground floor, second and third floor of the library and Information Center remain open 24 hours all days (different types of learning spaces: Study carrels, quiet study, group study, casual study area, workshop/ training rooms, etc.).
Book Drop Box Facility
IIIT-D Library has started a Book Drop Box Facility recently. The drop box is kept on the ground floor of the Library building which remains open 24/7. Please note the following –
This drop box is for returning issued items when the Library is closed.
During circulation hours, please return the issued items at the Library circulation desk, first floor.
All dropped items will be returned from the respective Library accounts just next working day of the Library.
Book Exhibition / Display / Events
Keeping in view the requirements of various programs and research activities at the institute, the collection development is necessary. For this purpose, the Library and Information Center organizes a book exhibition every year. During the exhibition, users may recommend books for the Library and may also purchase the books right away for personal use at better discount rates.
Document Scanning
Library provides document scanning service to all users. A dedicated color document scanner has been kept on Library First floor.
Full-text access to subscribed E-Resources
Apart from the print resources, the Library and Information Center subscribes to various renowned electronic resources in Engineering, Sciences, and Technology. These e-resources are accessible at the institute’s intranet, and the access is IP based; hence login/user name and password are not required.
Institute's Repository
IIITD Institutional Repository is a digital collection that collects, organizes, preserves and makes accessible the achievements/ intellectual output of faculty members, research scholars, and UG/PG students. It may contain the following resources –
Research Papers
Technical Reports
Lecture Presentations
Lecture Notes
Press Clippings
Video & Audio Recordings
Previous Year Question Papers
Annual Reports
Event Recordings
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Document Delivery (DDS)
IIIT-D Library offers Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Service to its users for books and articles that are not available at IIIT-Delhi. Interested users may check the details of available resources and fill out the online form.
Issue/Return of Books
Borrowing Privileges:
Kindle E-Book Readers
Few Kindle E-Book Readers are available for loan in the Library. Library users may borrow the same for a limited period (Kindle Borrowing Policy, please read it before lending the Kindle), more devices may add in upcoming days by usage.
Learning Space Booking
The following Library learning spaces are available for online booking. These spaces can be booked by students for their collaborative assignments, project demonstration, and other related work -
Group Study Room-1-Gr. Floor (Current booking status)
Group Study Room-2-Gr. Floor (Current booking status)
Group Discussion Room-Gr. Gloor (Current booking status)
LR-3 (Current booking status)
Library Membership for Alumni and Corporate
In view of continuous request from Alumni, the IIIT-Delhi Library offers the Library Membership to its Alumni and any interested Corporate Houses / Industries. Detailed information is available on the following membership forms -
Online Book Reservation (Hold) and Renewal
The Library and Information Center provides online book reservation (Hold) service to all registered users using the following steps –
Log in to your account on Library portal and go to search Library Catalog
Type the author name or the title (or whatever information you have regarding that title)
Library Catalog searches your query, retrieves results, select the required one, following which the Library Catalog tells you the status of the books
Click on to place hold button on the right-hand side button
Library Catalog shows two options
Place hold for the next available copy
Then again Click on Place hold button
Also, the Library provides online book renewal service as well using the following steps –
Log in to your account on Library portal
Click on My Summary
Click on Renew
Online Catalogue (OPAC)
Using this catalog the Library users may search and find the available resources by Title, Author, Publisher, Subject heading, Keywords, etc.
Remote Access Facility to Subscribed E-Resources
The center provides remote access to subscribed e-resources through IDP Portal. The VPN is also an alternate for remote access (how to use VPN). Now all IIIT-D Library users may access subscribed e-resources from outside campus as well. In case of any difficulty, please contact the IT help-desk (
Wi-fi Internet Connectivity
Most users generally carry laptops; therefore, the high speed 24x7 Wi-fi Internet connectivity is available in the whole Library and Information Center building. All students, Ph.D. Scholars, Faculty Members, Guest/Visiting Faculty and Staff Members may use this facility; apart from a few desktop PCs connected with LAN.